In the year of 1986, Renato Dulbecco was one of the scientists who first put forward the idea of Human Whole Genome Sequencing. He held that if we could ensure the exact genome sequences, it would be much easier to find a way to help cure cancer. Since then, many countries including the United States and Japan took human whole genome sequencing plan into practice, setting up a great number of companies as well as research institutes.
So, what is human whole genome sequencing?
First of all, let's talk about genome. It can be concluded as all the genes of a certain species. Besides, it contains two meanings, namely the genetic material and the genetic information. To explore the Lurking World Website of life, scientists must study the existence of gene, the construction and function of gene, and the relationship between genes from an overall level.
After the explanation, it is much clearer to introduce whole genome sequencing. It is the sequencing of unknown genomic sequence of individual species. What scientists need is definitely the highly accurate, complete human whole genome sequencing service to help their experiment. However, as before the high sequencing cost was the insurmountable obstacle for a lot of scientists. However, with its unprecedented speed, throughput and great data quality, the cost is not the barrier to comprehensive application any more.
There are mainly two types according to their coverage degree. They are high coverage whole genome sequencing (30X) and deep coverage whole genome sequencing (60X).
First, what is high coverage whole genome sequencing (30X)?
Since 30X mean coverage is used for a wide variety of researches for the discovery of variants such as structural variants, it is widely regarded as the standard for whole genome sequencing.
How about deep coverage whole genome sequencing (60X)?
As it is useful for studies where deeper coverage is needed, this product provides 60X mean coverage to increase the percentage of the callable genome, improving sensitivity to detect rare variants, while providing statistical power to filter false-positive calls .
Except for this, it is also helpful to know the applications of whole genome resequencing. To make it clear, we conclude as Data filtering, alignment report, SNPs and indel calling, CNV detection and breakpoint determinations with single nucleotide precision, determination of structural variations, annotations and data mapping, as well as other customized analysis.
At last, we can expect more findings for our mysterious life through the Whole Genome Sequencing technology.